Objective Measurement Metadata file specification

The Objective Measurement Metadata data specification outlines the elements and the structure of a JSON payload for reporting Objective Measurement usage. The Objective Measurement Metadata data is intended to be used for industry program reporting and AUS-MEAT industry reporting and audit purposes.

The Objective Measurement Metadata payload is required to be create by a processing plant’s integrated system as there are many elements that are only available withing the plant’s systems.

One Objective Measurement Metadata payload needs to be created for each kill lot.

Data submitted to the Objective Measurement Metadata service directly utilises HTTPS JSON REST Web APIs. When data is submitted to the endpoint as specified by the REST API Documentation (1), it is transported using the application/json encoding as a raw HTTP request. Responses from the Web API in turn will reply in the documented format using the application/json encoding. All requests must be authenticated using an API Key as provided by Meat Standards Australia. The API Key is to be included as described in the Authorization header of the HTTP request. REST APIs are described using OpenAPI Specification Version 3. The specifications may be used in-place, as static documentation, or used to generate client libraries using a variety of available tools. When implementing HTTPS JSON REST, keys and values are case sensitive. A request may also contain additional properties that may be ignored. A response also may include additional properties which must be accepted and may be ignored. The base API endpoint for the Objective Measurement Metadata API is

More information on the OM API can be found in the Swagger here: https://om-api.mymsa.com.au/swagger/index.html

(1) Please note, a relevant Meat Standards Australia (MSA) account is required to gain access to the developer documentation. Upon request, MSA will also issue an API key - this will be used for authentication and to gain access to the sandbox environments.

Download Sample JSON File


Segment : Example
Use Case
    "rmscc/messageType": {
Identifies a group of elements related to the type of message payload
        "rmscc/payloadName": "Objective Measurement Technology Metadata",
String (an1..100)
Payload name for preset list
        "rmscc/versionNumber": "1.0.0",
String (an1..100)
Version of the payload type
        "rmscc/authority": "AMILSC",
String (an1..100)
Authority responsible for attribute or standard.
        "rmscc/industryDataStandard": "ids_020"
String (an1..100)
Identifies the type and version of the industry standard. Comes from registry.
    "rmscc/beginningOfMessage": {
Identifies a group of elements related to the specific message
        "rmscc/messageGUID": "8FC7E4F9-816C-45E8-8540-FA2D70F60586",
String (an36)
GUID that uniquely identifies the message
        "rmscc/messageFunction": "Original",
String (an1..100)
Indicates a original, replacement or cancellation of a message
        "rmscc/killDate": "20220526",
String (n10)
Nominated kill date in the format ccyymmdd
        "ausmeat/establishmentNumber": "9999",
String (an1..7)
Defines the Establishment Number. Can be validated from Registry. 0 padded
        "isc/chainNumber": 1,
Integer (n1)
Identifies the chain number.
        "ausmeat/species": "BOVINE",
String (a4..10)
Defines the species
        "ausmeat/killLot": "27"
String (an1..6)
Identifies a specific group of animal at time of slaughter.
    "rmscc/carcaseData": [
Identifies a group of data elements related to specific carcases.
            "ausmeat/bodyNumber": 243,
Integer (n1..5)
Body Number of the carcase
            "rmscc/stunningDateTime": "2022-05-27T07:14:00+10",
Date UTC+Offset
Stunning or Knocking Date and Time in a UTC format with time zone offset.
            "rmscc/deviceData": [
Identifies a group of data elements related to a specific devices.
                      "rmscc/equipmentBrand": "Frontmatec Smoerum A/S",
String (an1..100)
Identifies the specific brand of equipment
                      "rmscc/equipmentModel": "Q-FOM Beef",
String (an1..100)
Identifies the specific model of equipment
                      "rmscc/equipmentSerialNumber": "A1-2345678",
String (an1..100)
Identifies the specific serial number of a piece of equipment
                      "rmscc/hardwareVersion": "123.345",
String (an1..100)
Identifies the specific hardware version of a piece of equipment
                      "rmscc/firmwareVersion": "123",
String (an1..100)
Identifies the specific firmware version of a piece of equipment or device.
                      "rmscc/measurementsData": [
Identifies a group of data elements related to specific measurements.
                                  "rmscc/measurementDateTime": "2022-05-27T23:00:00+10",
Date UTC+Offset
Recorded date and time of a measurement in UTC format with location offset.
                                  "rmscc/measurementType": "MSAMb",
String (an2..100)
Defines what is being measured. The value would normally be an published Attribute Code.
                                  "rmscc/measurementAssigned": "320",
String (an1..100)
Assigned recorded measurement where the measurement may have come from more than one measurement option.
                                  "rmscc/measurementDevice": "320",
String (an1..100)
Recorded measurement by a suitability calibrated device. For certain measurements a Trade Approved device must be used.
                                  "rmscc/measurementHuman": "NVR",
String (an1..100)
Recorded measurement by a suitability trained an qualified person. If no measurement is recorded the value "NVR" is to be used for "No Value Record".
                                  "rmscc/actionReason": "NVR",
String (an1..100)
Recorded comment or reason associated with some action, activity, process, system or captured of information. If no measurement is recorded the value "NVR" is to be used for "No Value Record".
                                  "rmscc/softwareVersion": "1.2_2021-12-01"
String (an1..100)
Records version of the software of a device or system.
                                  "rmscc/measurementDateTime": "2022-05-27T23:00:00+10",
Date UTC+Offset
Recorded date and time of a measurement in UTC format with location offset.
                                  "rmscc/measurementType": "AusMB",
String (an2..100)
Defines what is being measured. The value would normally be an published Attribute Code.
                                  "rmscc/measurementAssigned": "2",
String (an1..100)
Assigned recorded measurement where the measurement may have come from more than one measurement option.
                                  "rmscc/measurementDevice": "3",
String (an1..100)
Recorded measurement by a suitability calibrated device. For certain measurements a Trade Approved device must be used.
                                  "rmscc/measurementHuman": "2",
String (an1..100)
Recorded measurement by a suitability trained an qualified person. If no measurement is recorded the value "NVR" is to be used for "No Value Record".
                                  "rmscc/actionReason": "Override",
String (an1..100)
Recorded comment or reason associated with some action, activity, process, system or captured of information. If no measurement is recorded the value "NVR" is to be used for "No Value Record".
                                  "rmscc/softwareVersion": "1.2_2021-12-01"
String (an1..100)
Records version of the software of a device or system.
                                  "rmscc/measurementDateTime": "2022-05-27T23:00:00+10",
Date UTC+Offset
Recorded date and time of a measurement in UTC format with location offset.
                                  "rmscc/measurementType": "FC",
String (an2..100)
Defines what is being measured. The value would normally be an published Attribute Code.
                                  "rmscc/measurementAssigned": "3",
String (an1..100)
Assigned recorded measurement where the measurement may have come from more than one measurement option.
                                  "rmscc/measurementDevice": "3",
String (an1..100)
Recorded measurement by a suitability calibrated device. For certain measurements a Trade Approved device must be used.
                                  "rmscc/measurementHuman": "NVR",
String (an1..100)
Recorded measurement by a suitability trained an qualified person. If no measurement is recorded the value "NVR" is to be used for "No Value Record".
                                  "rmscc/actionReason": "NVR",
String (an1..100)
Recorded comment or reason associated with some action, activity, process, system or captured of information. If no measurement is recorded the value "NVR" is to be used for "No Value Record".
                                  "rmscc/softwareVersion": "1.3_2021-12-01"
String (an1..100)
Records version of the software of a device or system.
                                  "rmscc/measurementDateTime": "2022-05-27T23:00:00+10",
Date UTC+Offset
Recorded date and time of a measurement in UTC format with location offset.
                                  "rmscc/measurementType": "MC",
String (an2..100)
Defines what is being measured. The value would normally be an published Attribute Code.
                                  "rmscc/measurementAssigned": "4",
String (an1..100)
Assigned recorded measurement where the measurement may have come from more than one measurement option.
                                  "rmscc/measurementDevice": "4",
String (an1..100)
Recorded measurement by a suitability calibrated device. For certain measurements a Trade Approved device must be used.
                                  "rmscc/measurementHuman": "NVR",
String (an1..100)
Recorded measurement by a suitability trained an qualified person. If no measurement is recorded the value "NVR" is to be used for "No Value Record".
                                  "rmscc/actionReason": "NVR",
String (an1..100)
Recorded comment or reason associated with some action, activity, process, system or captured of information. If no measurement is recorded the value "NVR" is to be used for "No Value Record".
                                  "rmscc/softwareVersion": "1.4_2022-05-18"
String (an1..100)
Records version of the software of a device or system.
                                  "rmscc/measurementDateTime": "2022-05-27T23:00:00+10",
Date UTC+Offset
Recorded date and time of a measurement in UTC format with location offset.
                                  "rmscc/measurementType": "EMA",
String (an2..100)
Defines what is being measured. The value would normally be an published Attribute Code.
                                  "rmscc/measurementAssigned": "320",
String (an1..100)
Assigned recorded measurement where the measurement may have come from more than one measurement option.
                                  "rmscc/measurementDevice": "320",
String (an1..100)
Recorded measurement by a suitability calibrated device. For certain measurements a Trade Approved device must be used.
                                  "rmscc/measurementHuman": "NVR",
String (an1..100)
Recorded measurement by a suitability trained an qualified person. If no measurement is recorded the value "NVR" is to be used for "No Value Record".
                                  "rmscc/actionReason": "NVR",
String (an1..100)
Recorded comment or reason associated with some action, activity, process, system or captured of information. If no measurement is recorded the value "NVR" is to be used for "No Value Record".
                                  "rmscc/softwareVersion": "2.01_2022-03-11"
String (an1..100)
Records version of the software of a device or system.