GS1 Identifications Keys

Key Identify
GTIN Global Trade Item Number
Products such as consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, raw materials at any packaging level (e.g., consumer unit, inner pack, case, pallet).
Services such as equipment rental, car rental, ...
Individual trade item instance(s) by combining the GTIN with batch / lot number, serial number.
Note: Compatible with ISO/IEC 15459 - part 4: individual products and product packages
GLN Global Location Number
Physical Locations: An organisation's geographical addresses such as Ship From, Ship To, Read Point. In combination with the GLN extension also internal physical locations such as storage bins, dock doors, bar code scan / read points. Parties: An organisation's legal and functional entities engaging in business transactions.
Note: Recognized in ISO standard 6523, international code designator (ICD) for GLN is '0088'
SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code
Logistic units such as unit loads on pallets or roll cages, and parcels. The SSCC enables the unique identification of any combination of trade items packaged together for storage and/or transport purposes.
Note: Compatible with ISO/IEC 15459 - part 1: unique identifiers for transport units (the ISO licence plate)
GSIN Global Shipment Identification Number
Shipments, comprised of one or more logistic units intended to be delivered together. The logistic units belonging to a particular shipment keep the same GSIN during all transport stages, from origin to final destination.
Note: Meets the WCO requirements for UCR (Unique Consignment Reference).
Compatible with ISO/IEC 15459 – part 8: grouping of transport units.
GINC Global Identification Number for Consignment
Consignments comprised of one or more logistic units (potentially belonging to different shipments) intended to be transported together for part of their journey. Logistic units may be associated with different GINCs by carriers or freight forwarders during subsequent transport stages.
GRAI Global Returnable Asset Identifier
Mostly used to identify Returnable Transport Items (RTI) such as pallets, roll containers, crates.
The GRAI identifies the type of returnable asset, and if needed also the individual instances of the returnable asset via the optional serial number.
GIAI Global Individual Asset Identifier
Fixed assets such as office equipment, transport equipment, IT equipment, vehicles. The GIAI identifies individual asset instances regardless of the type of asset.
GSRN Global Service Relation Number
Service provider relationships of an organisation and the provider of the service, such as the doctors employed by a hospital.
Service recipient relationships of an organisation offering a service and the recipient of the service such as the loyalty account of a customer with a retailer, the registration of a patient at a hospital, the account of a customer with an electricity company.
In combination with the Service Relation Instance Number (SRIN) it can identify service encounters, such as the phases of a medical treatment.
GDTI Global Document Type Identifier
Physical documents such as certificates, invoices, driving licenses. Electronic documents such as digital images, EDI messages.
The GDTI identifies the type of the document, and if needed also the individual document instances via the optional serial number.
GCN Global Coupon Number
Coupons (paper or digital). The GCN identifies the coupon offer, and if needed the individually issued coupons via the optional serial component.
CPID Component / Part Identifier
Components and parts such as drive motor for washing machine, fan assembly for a jet engine, starter motor for vehicle, wheel axle.
Individual components or parts, by combining CPID with a serial number.
Note: The CPID identifier shall not be used in open supply chains. It is restricted to use by mutual agreement.
GMN Global Model Number
The Global Model Number enables users to uniquely identify the product model through the entire life cycle of the product: design - production – procurement – use – maintenance - disposal
Note: The GMN has currently only been approved for regulated healthcare identification of medical devices. Other applications may be added in the future.


1 2 3 7 8 (GTIN-8) (uses GS1-8 Prefix instead of GCP)
'0' 1 2 3 11 12 (GTIN-12)
1 2 3 12 13 (GTIN-13)
1 2 3 4 13 14 (GTIN-14)
GS1 Company Prefix >>> <<< Item Reference
ITF-14 , GS1-128, GS1 DataBar, GS1 DataMatrix, GS1 QR Code (*)
(*) these symbols support all GTIN formats by adding leading zeroes where needed
EPC: urn:epc:id:sgtin:CompanyPrefix.ItemReference.SerialNumber
GS1 XML: string \d{14} EANCOM: n..14
AI (01) GTIN, AI (02) CONTENT, AI (8006) GCTIN attributes (e.g): AI (10) BATCH/LOT, AI (21) SERIAL, AI (17) USE BY OR EXPIRY, AI (37) COUNT


1 2 3 12 13
GS1 Company Prefix >>> <<< Location Reference
GS1-128, GS1 DataMatrix, GS1 QR Code
EPC: urn:epc:id:sgln:CompanyPrefix.LocationReference.Extension
GS1 XML: string \d{13} EANCOM: n13
e.g. AI (410) SHIP TO LOC, AI (411) BILL TO attribute: AI (254) GLN EXTENSION COMPONENT


1 2 3 ... 17 18
GS1 Company Prefix >>> <<< Serial Reference
EPC: urn:epc:id:sscc:CompanyPrefix.SerialReference
GS1 XML: string \d{18} EANCOM: an..35
AI (00) SSCC


1 2 3 ... 16 17
GS1 Company Prefix >>> <<< Shipper Reference
EPC: urn:epc:id:gsin:CompanyPrefix.ShipperReference
GS1 XML: string \d{17} EANCOM: an..70
AI (402) GSIN


1 2 ... n n+1 n+2 ... <=30
GS1 Company Prefix >>> <<< Consignment Reference >>>
EPC: urn:epc:id:ginc:CompanyPrefix.ConsignmentReference
GS1 XML: string [-!»%&’()*+,./0-9:;<=>?A-Z_a-z]{4,30} EANCOM: an..70
AI (403) GINC


'0' 1 2 3 ... 12 13 14 15 ... <=29
GS1 Company Prefix >>> <<< Asset Type Serial Number (optional) >>>
GS1-128, GS1 DataMatrix, GS1 QR Code
EPC: urn:epc:id:grai:CompanyPrefix.AssetType.SerialNumber
GS1 XML: string \d{14}[-!»%&’()*+,./0-9:;<=>?A-Z_a-z]{0,16}
EANCOM: an..35
AI (8003) GRAI


1 2 ... n n+1 n+2 ... <=30
GS1 Company Prefix >>> <<< Individual Asset Reference >>>
GS1-128, GS1 DataMatrix, GS1 QR Code
EPC: urn:epc:id:giai:CompanyPrefix.IndividualAssetReference
GS1 XML: string [-!»%&’()*+,./0-9:;<=>?A-Z_a-z]{4,30}
EANCOM: an..35
AI (8004) GIAI


1 2 3 ... 17 18
GS1 Company Prefix >>> <<< Service Reference
GS1-128, GS1 DataMatrix, GS1 QR Code
EPC: urn:epc:id:gsrn:CompanyPrefix.ServiceReference
GS1 XML: string \d{18} EANCOM: an..70
AI (8017): GSRN PROVIDER, AI (8018): GSRN RECIPIENT attribute: AI (8019) SRIN


<<< Document Type
1 2 3 ... 12 13 14 15 ... <=30
GS1 Company Prefix >>> Serial Component (optional) >>>
GS1-128, GS1 DataMatrix, GS1 QR Code
EPC: urn:epc:id:gdti:CompanyPrefix.DocumentType.SerialNumber
GS1 XML: string \d{13} [-!»%&’()*+,./0-9:;<=>?A-Z_a-z]{0,27}
EANCOM: an..35
AI (253) GDTI


<<< Coupon Reference
1 2 3 ... 12 13 14 15 ... <=25
GS1 Company Prefix >>> Serial Component (optional) >>>
GS1 DataBar
EPC: urn:epc:id:sgcn:CompanyPrefix.CouponReference. SerialComponent
GS1 XML: not defined EANCOM: not defined
AI (255) GCN


1 2 ... n n+1 n+2 ... <=30
GS1 Company Prefix >>> <<< C/P Reference Number >>>
GS1-128, GS1 DataMatrix, GS1 QR Code
EPC: urn:epc:id:cpi:CompanyPrefix.ComponentPartReference. Serial
GS1 XML: not defined EANCOM: not defined
AI (8010) CPID - attribute: AI(8011) CPID SERIAL


1 2 ... n n+1 n+2 ... <=30
GS1 Company Prefix >>> <<< Model Reference >>>
Barcodes: not defined
EPC: not defined
GS XML: not defined EANCOM: not defined
AIs: AI (8013) GMN
   Check Digit    Start of GS1 Company Prefix <<< variable start position
Numeric Filler digit >>> variable length
Alphanumeric Extension Digit / Indicator Digit <= less than or equal to
n = variable position number
Available bar codes, see GS1 General Specifications for application rules.
available application identifiers
syntax formats